Thinking of You

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Hello Hearts, 

I’m sitting here on this beautiful day in Brooklyn, and before I take a much needed walk, I’m here to check in. This moment we are living in is such a wild ride for the nervous system and I really just want to know how you are. 

How are you? Actually, really?

(I’m imagining a pause here while you take a moment).

Maybe there’s a resounding message that comes to mind. Maybe it’s hard to know for certain. Maybe it's a whole gaggle of things at once. For me, feelings run on a bit of a loop these days as time is so bendy and stretchy and unraveling.

And so, I’ll leave you here. But before we circle back again...

To your stagnant heart, may you sit and be curious until movement comes again.

To your aching heart, may you find ways to hold and caress until touch can happen again.

To your anxious heart, may you find moments of ease and release.

To your tired heart, may you rest.

To your motivated heart, may you get that shit done! 

To your joyful heart, may you savor each breath and save some for when sadness needs company.

To your lonesome heart, may you reach.

To your yearning heart, may you listen.

Till next time,


(photo cr: Tara O’Con, I made a heart.)



Do you anyone who may be in need of some fresh perspectives and support? If so, and it feels right to you, please pass this offering along:

During this unprecedented time of change, uncertainty, and care, I am offering donation-based Pay-What-You- Can coaching sessions. All proceeds will be donated to one of the  organizations working in response to Covid-19:

Movimiento Cosecha

National Domestic Workers Alliance

New Yorkers For NY

Safe Horizon



wisdom of the body in times of change


Maybe, we begin exactly where we are