wisdom of the body in times of change

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Here we are.

I’m so curious. What changes are you experiencing? Big, small, personal, collective, all of the above? There are so many questions.

Where are you inside of change? The creation of it, the processing of it, the discomfort of it, the reach for it, the potential of it. The necessary and transformative vulnerability of it? 

How does it feel in your body? 

How do we hold space for change? For the movement of change and the multiplicity of change? For collective and individual change that we want to enact, and change that is enacted upon us? What kind of support and self care do we need as Change kaleidoscopes through its expressions? When it feels like there are no good choices?  (This love note from Rachel Elizabeth Cargle, is a reminder that is filling me with a resounding YES.)

Last week, while preparing to facilitate a workshop on needs and values in this time of change, I was thumbing through the textbook from my coaches training and stumbled on a quote I had written in the margins. It is from Bell Hooks’ All About Love and it has been ringing in my head ever since: 

“Fear of radical change leads many citizens of our nation to betray their minds and hearts.” 

Hearts and minds. An invocation of the body. Imagine yours now, whispering into your ears. What is the embodied you saying? 

What happens if you keep listening?

With love and gratitude,


(photo: taken on The Gulf of Paradiso, Bogliasco Italy.)



Thinking of You